Conan Animated Wiki

Gora was a Wasai Prince and the cousin of Zula. But he was power-hungry and treacherous, perfectly willing to betray and condemn his cousin to lay claim to the Wasai throne.

His original plans of betrayal were thwarted when Conan helped Zula return home, and Gora was distanced from the throne further when Zula named Conan his blood-brother and heir apparent of the Wasai throne should anything happen to Zula, thus the Barbarian unknowingly earned the hatred of Gora.

Since his cousin and Conan both stand between him and the throne, Gora has conspired to remove them both out of his way but failed every time until finally he was exposed as a traitor in "The Stealer of Souls".

In Amra The Lion, Gora attempted once again to obtain the throne by removing Zula and Conan. Obtaining items made by the hero's own hands and a lock of their hair, obtained by Mukani he created voodoo dolls of them both to inflict great pain and blindness. Conan, mastering the sign of Jhebbal Sag defeated Gora while blinded by seeing through Amra's eyes.

Gora was last seen being brought back to the Wasai to face justice, being bound in a cage on the back of an elephant.

As a Wasai, Gora's Spirit Animal is a Jackal, appropriate for his treacherous character and hunger for power.
